1. Out of this paper I would like the reader to get That the girl is really in love with the boy, loves to be in the Wizard World, and she really wants to find her parents but does not know how long its going to take her.
2. What was easy to write was when she was on the train with the boy.
3. What was difficult to wright was when she was having foggy eyes and not feeling well
4. Is there anything that I should change in my story?
I woke up in the field behind my house, there was no sound, and no sign of life. By the sun, I can tell that the time is about 11 in the morning and its summer, middle of summer, maybe about July. I feel more alone than ever right now. I ran through the entire field to go back to my house. There was no one there to make me feel loved again... I was on my own now, and had to find my family. There was a note.
Dear Alice,
Please be brave for me, for you father, sister, and brother. We all love so much but we just wanted to make sure you know that we are safe and we had to leave you for your own good. Please forgive us. There are weapons in the garage under the box and through the little door behind it. Get them and then come find us. You will see some things, crazy things, along the way but don't let them get into your head. Please be careful by yourself, I believe in you. We love you very much Alice.
You are very smart, use your skills- Mom
P.S. Find the boy
That’s all the entire letter said. What does “find the boy” mean? I had no time to think about that, I had to go. I have not been in the garage in so long. When I went into the garage it was dark, dusty, and dirty. I found the box in the left corner of the room behind it was the door. The door was small, so small I almost left but then I saw what looked like a little door knob. There were only three things in there. A bow and arrow, a small handgun with a few boxes of ammo, and a picture of my family. The picture was taken not that long ago, it was taken when I turned 16. I am 17 now and on my own trying to look for the people in the picture...my family. My house looks gray and dead when I leave, the whole neighborhood looks like that.
I walked and walked for hours when I came across a long building, with a light in the window. About one story high and looks like an old fashion train station. I just had to walk in and see if I found my family... I was not even close. Different from all the others places, I have been today this one was not empty, it was filled, people everywhere! There was no way I would find my family in here (even if they were there). I have a bow and arrows on my back, so people are definitely going to look at me. There was this feeling that these people did not want me there. I felt like they did not accept my kind. Which was weird because we are all regular humans, well that’s at least what I thought.
“You can’t be here Alice, it’s not safe for you” this boy said in a soft whisper. I was in shock that anyone said anything to me but more shocked that he knows my name. I had to turn and see who said that to me. Then there standing right in front of me, a tall, brown haired boy with brown eyes. I could not take my eyes off of him. He started to shake me but for some reason I could not respond... I was in love with the boy from the train station. He stopped shaking me and just told me that he was going to help me because he was sick of the way people treat your kind. He said “ you seen nice” that’s when I started to know something was not right and then started to think about what my mom said in her letter. She said not to let them get into my head, does that mean the boy? At that point I realized that I didn't even know his name! I found out that his name was Logan, perfect name for the perfect face. Then came more questions, where was he planning on taking me? Does he know anything about my past? Can he be my boyfriend? He then said that we have to get on the train to make it in time.
Many questions were running through my mind when he told me that I had to stay in my seat while he goes someplace. I thought he was probably just going to the restroom, until he didn’t come back for 20 minutes. His bag was just sitting there, a feeling of going into his bag came across me like when someone fake throws something at you and you flinch. His bag was filled to the top with random stuff, pens, pencils, notebooks, and textbooks. There were only two things that were not normal. He had what looked like a fancy stick, and a picture. The picture was the same picture I had.
He must have known something about my family. He came back quickly and he saw me looking through his stuff. “Want me to tell you where I got that picture?” was all he said. He didn't care that I went through his bag. All I could do was stare at him. “Your mother is a very sweet person, she found me on the streets in Finland when she was on vacation.” Logan told me. I remembered when she went to Finland for a work trip. She never mentioned meeting a boy there. “She said that she knew that you would need help finding her one day. The only picture she had on her was that one you have in your hand. She said that I would meet you in the train station on 2nd Saturday of July, and I did.”
My mother knew that something would happen to the family 3 years ago when she was on her trip to Finland. Why would she keep this from me? Why would she have a stranger help me find her? “She told me to not show you something until we were on the train so I think you should know about me a little...” He took out the stick, and just looked at it, “I can get into a lot of trouble for telling you what I am about to tell you, so you have to promise not to tell a dead or living soul.” I promised, not even knowing what I was really promising about. “I am a Wizard.” Logan said in a trusting tone.
That’s all he said, then he was just looking at me waiting for me to say something. What could I say to that, cool? Well done? I came up with “WHAT?!” That was not what he was expecting, I could see it in his eyes. I think that he was expecting something more on the lines of “WHAT! YOU ARE A WIZARD!!!???” All he said was “yeah, I am”. The rest of the train ride was quite. I was in too much of a shock to talk to him. The train was coming to a halt when he said “this is our destination.” I looked out my window and saw nothing just a train station. We got off the train and just walked right into the station, then he turned into the gift shop. Why would there be a gift shop? He then walked right into another room, there was a sign that said “Employees Only”. I knew that he was not an employee but I went along with it anyway.
There was a whole other world in that room. Literally the door went into the Wizard world.

I saw things I have never seen before, Goblins, Witches, Dwarfs, a Pegasus, Dragons, and Fairies. There are so many more but I cannot remember, I was just blown away by what I was seeing. There was color everywhere. We started to walk through the city, fairies were flying around my head and are are all sorts of colors sizes and types of dragons around. Everything is just wonderful, until we went down one street. Everything started to change it was starting to get cold, dark, and my eyes site was getting foggy. I felt as if i was going to fall down right then and there. Logan started to call out my name “Alice, Alice, are you alright? Alice, can you hear me?” I could hear him but could not respond. It was impossible I could feel my mouth moving but not words came out. I can hear him calling me and a banging sound but can't figure out where it is coming from.
“Logan, I can't move.” was what came out. Then the whole world went black. Where was I? I was at home. Where was Logan? He was outside my window banging on it. “Alice I have been calling you for two minutes now.” “You're going to be late for you families portrait.” Said Logan.