Wednesday, April 24, 2013

When You Have A Old Man and The Sea.

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. Scribner Paperback Fiction, 1952. Genre: Fiction

The Old Man has not eaten for days and as you may guess he is pretty hungry.  The setting of this story in the olden days and and the old man goes to sea every day to get food for him to eat but he never gets food.  The other people that fish don't respect him that much but at the end of the story he gets more respect because he tried so hard when he was getting nothing but didnt give up.  When he was fishing he got a huge fish! put it on the side of the boat and went out and the sharks came over and over again and he later found his fish gone.  The sharks ate it.  All of it.  

There are many aspects of this novel and themes covered that make this a significant novel”.  “The lack of action”, Fra7299, reviewer.  I agree with this because the only parts to me was when the old man was fighting with the sharks.  When he was fighting with the sharks you could tell that he was having a problem and with the other parts it was sort of dull to me could have been better.

The writing style of this book was hard for me to understand.  There were parts of the book that had some words that I didn't know could have fit into that sentence.  When Hemingway wrote the dialog I could not follow it because I could never really get who was saying what to whom, unless the young boy was saying something about the old man and he was saying “old man”.  The writing style for me was just hard to understand.  

The book that i can relate this book somewhat to was the Hunger Games because the way the characters are.  In the Hunger Games, Katniss has to risk her life to save her sisters.  In this book the old man has to risk his life for his own life.  They both has to do something scary to stay alive.  They both earn respect at the end of the book too.  In their own ways.  

The quote “A man can be destroyed but not defeated”.  I agree with the quote because when you are sad you are never sad forever.  You are always happy again at points in time.  You may have those memories but they will never defeat you to the end.  Life is hard but its worth fighting for.  

This book reminded me of when I would go to my grandfathers house and we would go fishing with little nets, we would have these buckets filled with water and put the fish we caught in it and release then after we were done.  My cousins and I loved to fish with our grandfather.  I would not read this book again if it was my choice i just could not get into it it was very hard to do for me.  

I give The Old Man and the Sea 2 Paws - Find Better Prey